SHAYIA LLC is a company registered in San Francisco, CA under Identification Number EIN 99-4558084 .
By placing an order with the SHAYIA online store you acknowledge you have read, understood and agree to these
Terms and Conditions. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the terms and conditions, then you should contact us at
[email protected] before placing your order with us.
We must receive payment of the whole of the price for the goods that you order before your order can be accepted.
Once payment has been received by us we will confirm that your order has been accepted by sending an email to
you at the email address you provide in your order form. Our acceptance of your order creates a legally binding
contract between us. All contracts are concluded in English.
Orders Delivered within the US.
All prices on the SHAYIA online store are given in Dollars ($) and are inclusive of VAT . The total amount of the order
including VAT and shipping is displayed in the shopping cart on the checkout page.
You must make payment for the goods at the time of the order. The price of any product is the price in force at the
date and time of your order. We reserve the right to change the price of any product before you place an order. We
will inform you if a product's actual price is higher than that stated in your order and you may cancel the order at that time.
All items are subject to availability. We will inform you as soon as possible if the goods you have ordered are not available.
Our Delivery Policy is set on the website to get more information on deliveries. We aim to get your goods to you as
soon as possible but cannot accept any liability if the goods are late due to unforeseen courier problems. We will not
accept responsibility or liability for non-delivery or any other breach of our obligations under these T erms and
Conditions if such breach is caused by circumstances beyond our control.